
Sarah Mae Maceo her Father Taking Ampalaya Plus

“Mom and I have been taking Ampalaya Plus for over a year now. At first we were hesitant to try it as there so many natural/herbal brands looming in the market. Until a friend told me about Ampalaya Plus and how it helped her dad, who was suffering from diabetes for several years already, regulate his blood sugar. My mom has diabetes, too. She is taking her medications religiously but we feel that it only does her a little help if not much. My mom is over 60 years already and I worry about her taking a bunch of medications because her liver might not take it too well also. Still a little skeptic, based on my friends recommendation to try Ampalaya Plus.

I bought a box to try. Just after a few weeks of taking it we noticed some changes. My mother who is suffering from Diabetes is feeling better and her blood sugar slowly went down. I, on the other had, started feeling healthier. Used to be anemic most of my childhood days up until college due to a very hectic schedule in school and a job on the side to keep up with the finances. Since I discovered and started using Ampalaya Plus I sleep better and I feel energetic most of the day. Before after work I would just want to go home and lie on my bed because I feel so exhausted. Now I can still go out with friends and spend more time with my loved ones. Ampalaya Plus is such a good health investment! Health is wealth!”

Irene Javelosa

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